
Graph Theory

Graph Theory

Graph Theory Manual with diagrams and graphs.

The app is a complete Graph Theory manual that covers important topics, notes, course materials.

This Graph Theory App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews.

This engineering eBook app covers most related topics and detailed explanations with all basic topics.

Some of the topics covered in the Graph Theory app are:

1. Introduction to Graphs

2. Directed and undirected graph

3. Basic Graphics Terminologies

4. Vertices

5. The Handshake Motto

6. Types of Charts

7. N-cube

8. Subgraphs

9. Graphic isomorphism

10. Chart Operations

11. O Problema de Ramsay

12. Connected and Disconnected Chart

13. Routes and Circuits

14. Eulerial Graphs

15. Fluery algorithm

16. Hamiltonian Graphs

17. Dirac's theorem

18. Ore Theorem

19. Seating arrangement problem

20. Traveling Salesman Problem

21. The Konigsberg Bridge Problem

22. Graphing

23. Combinatorial and Geometric Graphs

24. Planer Charts

25. Kuratowaski graph

26. Homeomorphic Graphs

27. Region

28. Subdivision Graphs and Internal Vertex Sets

29. External Planer Chart

30. Biperthite Chart

31. Euler's theorem

32. Three utility problems

33. Teorema de Kuratowski

34. Detecting Planarity of a Graph

35. Double graph of a planer

36. Chart Coloring

37. Chromatic Polynomial

38. Decomposition theorem

39. Scheduling Final Exams

40. Frequency Assignments and Index Records

41. Color problem

42. Introduction to the Tree

43. Spanning Tree

44. Rooted Tree

45. Binary Tree

46. ​​Traversing Binary Trees

47. Counting Tree

48. Tree Crossing

49. Complete Binary Tree

50. Infixed, Prefixed and Postfixed Notation of an Arithmatic Operation

51. Binary Search Tree

52. Storage Representation of Binary Tree

53. taj rummyAlgorithm for Building Spanning Trees

54. Trees and Classification

55. Weighted Tree and Prefix Codes

56. Huffman Code

57. More Graph Application

58. Shortest path algorithm

59. Dijkstra's algorithm

60. Minimum Spanning Tree

61. Prim's Algorithm

62. The labeling algorithm

63. Accessibility, distance and diameter, cutting apex, cutting set and bridge

64. Transport Networks

65. Teorema Max-Flow Min-Cut

66. Correspondence Theory

67. Hall's Marriage Theorem

68. Vertex Cut

69. Introduction to Matroids and Transversal Theory

70. Types of Matroid

71. Transversal Theory

72. Cutting set

73. Enumeration Types

74. Labeled graph

75. Counting the labeled tree

76. Rooted Lebelada Tree

77. Unlabeled Tree

78. Centroid

79. Permutation

80. Permutation Group

81. Function Equivalence Classes

82. Group

83. Symmetrical Chart

84. Roofing

85. Vertex Coverage

All topics are not listed due to character limitations.

Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.

Resources :

* Chapter wise Complete Topics

* Advanced user interface layout

* Comfortable reading mode

* Important Exam Topics

* Very simple user interface

* Cover most topics

* One click to get all related books

* Mobile-optimized content

* Mobile optimized images

This app will be useful for quick reference. Review of all concepts can be completed within several hours using this app.

Graph theory is part of mathematics, computer science and software engineering education courses and information technology degree programs at several universities.

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